As a professional Tarot Reader I follow this Code of Ethics:
- I respect the dignity of the art of Tarot reading; and I respect the client’s dignity and their questions.
- I guarantee to provide high standard of Tarot reading practice to the client to my best ability.
- My readings and all the information you provide to me are confidential. If you would like to contribute, please leave a positive review on Facebook or in an email to me.
- I will ask for your written permission to make a whole or a part of the reading public (through a blog post, image or a video) if needed. I will ask ahead of time and you have the right to refuse.
- If you are in a live-threatening situation (based on what you tell me), I might have to disclose that information to the authorities, regardless of the reading.
- I am not a physician, psychologist, lawyer, financial adviser or accountant. I encourage clients to seek such services from a professional. I can only recommend people or tools that helped me on my journey.
- I will not discriminate against the client in any way.
- I treat each client with an clear mind and an open heart.
- I will guide you through any “scary” or “difficult” cards that might come up in the reading.
- The purpose of my readings is to empower the client.
- I welcome all and ask for the same respect in return.
- I only do the readings for the person in front of me; I would ask couples or family members to get separate readings.
- I will not read cards for persons under 18 without the permission of their parent or legal guardian.
- I will not read cards for anyone who lacks capacity to make informed decisions (e.g. heavily intoxicated).
- I will constantly strive to improve my Tarot reading skills, and to learn and grow in my understanding of divination, the occult, psychology and other disciplines related to Tarot reading.
- I reserve the right to refuse to do a reading for a question that I am not comfortable with or that goes against any of the points above.
Liability Disclaimer
Purple Dawn Tarot makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the information, content, materials, or services offered by their Tarot readers. By booking Purple Dawn Tarot’s services, you explicitly acknowledge that all Tarot readings and advice arising therefrom are provided and intended for the sole purpose of entertainment.